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  4. INDUSTRIAL MATERIALS DIVISION released the material data sheet of SHIMTEQ『NCF Resinply(NCF D200CR)』.

What's New

Feature IM

Aug. 9, 2019

INDUSTRIAL MATERIALS DIVISION released the material data sheet of SHIMTEQ『NCF Resinply(NCF D200CR)』.

産業資材事業 データシート掲載開始告知画像 - 英語.PNG

We are pleased to inform you that we released the materials data sheet of SHIMTEQ『NCF Resinply(NCF D200CR)』on our website.
It's available to view and downlord the product information from the following URL.

■NCF Resinply(NCF D200CR) URL: https://www.shindo.com/en/material/products/ncf/ncf_d200cr.html

Please feel free to contact us if you have any question, opinion or request so on.

SHINDO Co.,Ltd. Industrial Materials Division
Harajuku Duet Building 1-10-32 Jingumae, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 150-0001 JAPAN
Sales Department: Naoyuki Ebihara
E-mail: im-company@shindo.com